当前位置:首页 > 哲学/宗教 > 宗教 > BOOK OF SYNCHRONICITY(ISBN=9781556436833)

  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:258
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2007年11月01日
  • 开 本:32开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9781556436833
作者:Oberto Airaudi 著出版社:Random House US出版时间:2007年11月 

  A modern translation of an ancient book of magic by the contemporary Italian spiritual leader Oberto Airaudi, The Book of Synchronicity taps into the “Synchronic Lines”–rivers of spiritual energy that flow through the universe. These lines link the various celestial bodies and the intelligences that can access them. The lines’ path on Earth, according to the book, takes the form of eighteen Major Lines through which pour ideas, dreams, thoughts, and information. Whenever a reader consults The Book of Synchronicity, he or she is in effect accessing this flow of knowledge.
  Easy to understand and use, the book can be consulted immediately for quick answers as well as longer divination processes, with no further study or outside knowledge of other divination traditions necessary. The technique is simple: readers ask a question and then throw a die, while concentrating on the question. Each answer is gained by throwing the die four times, with more than 2 million possible synchronistic combinations for each consultation. The Book of Synchronicity draws on universal wisdom to help seekers solve personal problems, obtain advice, and gain insight into their spiritual evolution.


  Oberto Airaudi is the founder and the spiritual guide of the Federation of Damanhur in Italy. Numbering a thousand citizens, the Federation of Damanhur is an eco-society and a United Nations award-winning model for a sustainable future. It is based upon ethical and spiritual values and promotes a culture of peace and balanced development, through solidarity, volunteering, the arts, a respect for the environment, and social and political commitment. The Federation is known for its Temples of Humankind, an extraordinary underground cathedral constructed by its citizens, and dedicated to the reawakening of the divine in every human being.
  Born in Italy near Turin in 1950, Oberto is a philosopher, healer, writer, and painter. He has done extensive research in traditional and esoteric sciences, Western science, paraphysics, and applied therapeutics, and at the same time has produced and collaborated on monumental works of art, as well as artifacts that function between technology and art. In Damanhur, in keeping with the local tradition of adopting animal names, he goes by Falco, the hawk.

目  录
Preparation for the Consultation
The Consultation
Part One - Birth
Part Two - Consistency
Part Three - Growth
Part Four - 3Aaturation
Part Five - FuIFILLment
Part Six -Renewa[
Optional Consultation
Oberto Airaudi and Damanhur






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