
当前位置:首页 > 哲学/宗教 > 宗教 > 中国宗教艺术-中国道教艺术(英)

  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2011年01月01日
  • 开 本:20开
  • 纸 张:铜版纸
  • 包 装:平装-胶订
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9787508518398
Since being introduced to China 2,000 years ago, Buddhism has combined with traditional Chinese culture. This book, mainly photos illustrated by texts, gives a basic overview of the Buddhist arts in China, including temple building, paintings, Stone Caves, etc., hoping foreign readers come to understand current situation and various manifestations of Buddhism arts in China.
目  录
PrefaceChapter One: The Palaces for Immortals – Architectural Arts of Daoist BuildingsChapter Two: The Party of Immortals – Colorful Daoist StatuesChapter Three: The Procession of the Immortals Paying Homage to the One – Splendid Daoist Wall Paintings and Water-land Service PaintingsChapter Four: The Dao Follows What is Naturally So – Remarkable Literati Paintings with Daoist Motifs and the Paintings by DaoistsChapter Five: Immortals’ Talent Show – The Tune of Heaven – Daoist MusicChapter Six: Daoist Literature
前  言
Section Two: The Daoist Statues in the Sui and Tang DynastiesThe Daoist statues in the Sui Dynasty (581−618) were still greatly influenced by Buddhism, but their figures were more well-developed. The Sui Dynasty Daoist statues are mostly kept in Yaoxian Museum in Shaanxi Province. In addition, a bronze statue of Laozi cast by Kong Yue can be found at Bo’xing Museum in Shandong Province. This statue is possibly the first bronze statue of Laozi. At the time the statues are mostly half-circle sculpture and statue stele. The Tang Dynasty saw the maturity of the Daoist growth. Also because the royal Li family venerated Laozi as their ancestor, the temples dedicated to Laozi are widely located. Reportedly, there were 1687 temples dedicated to Laozi at the time.The Daoist statues in the Tang Dynasty increased a great deal both in number and in type. Besides, they basically stayed away from the Buddhist influence and cultivated their own styles. The Tang Dynasty Daoist statues are well-developed in figures, thin in clothes and flowing and lively in lines. The sculptors imbued the works with their own sense of beauty and expressed what is beautiful and good in the works. They also sculpted their works on the basis of the different functions and characters of the divine beings and immortal beings so much as that sculptural works have both realistic and sentimental touches.The Statue of Laozi from the Tang Dynasty is preserved today in the greatest number. The style and image of Laozi followed a basic pattern throughout the land. Reportedly, Emperor Xuanzong ordered Yuanjia’er, a foreign sculptor to make a statue of Laozi according to his regal appearance and had it copied throughout the country. The most famous Tang Dynasty statue of Laozi is the Statue of Laozi kept at the Beiling Museum in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, the Statue of Changyang Celestial Worthy at the Shanxi Provincial Museum, the Statue of Laozi at Shanghai Museum and the Statue of Laozi at Ruicheng Museum in Shanxi Province. Besides the statues of Laozi, the Tang Dynasty statues that remain today include those of celestial worthies, three legendary emperors, Jade Emperor, star deities and Zhenwu.






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