Nanny Returns 魔法保姆

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:496页
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2009年12月01日
  • 开 本:32开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9781439169858
作者:Emma McLaughlin , Nicola Kraus 著出版社:Simon & Schuster出版时间:2009年12月 
Nicola Kraus and Emma McLaughlin are the authors of The Nanny Diaries and Citizen Girl. They live and work in New York City. Please visit their website at 
More than four million readers fell
  in love with Nan, the smart, spirited,
  and sympathetic heroine of the
  #1 New York Times bestseller
  The Nanny Diaries.

Grace barks sharply, jerking me awake from a dead sleep as she flip-twists onto all fours.
  "Grace," I grumblingly reprimand, squinting through the darkness to where she peers out the bedroom doorway, like our night is about to go Lifetime. I stretch to the microwave-serving-as-nighttable -- 1:23 a.m. -- fumbling for my cell. She resumes barking with a ferocity that lifts her front paws in little jumps. Ears ringing, I flip open the phone and it glows to life, illuminating a text informing me that my husband is currently tucked in at the D.C. Radisson. I put my finger over the nine, primed to dial for help, when I hear --

  "Grace!" I scream with exasperation, and momentarily stunned, she turns to me. "It's the doorbell," I explain, as if this should reassure us. I pull on yoga pants, tug Ryan's sweater over my slip, and feel my feet around for my Adidas.
  Grace is squared protectively in the doorframe and, seeing me dressed and in motion, she scrambles for her throw rope and barrels to the stairs. "This is not a walk. We are not walking." She wags her tail with blind optimism. Holding my cell, I feel for the light switch. The bare bulb comes to life, illuminating the hall, the second-story landing, and the vestibule below.
  "Crap," I mutter, nearly felled by my flopping laces as I descend the final two steps into the once grand, now puke green and linoleumed foyer. I pull back the crispy, yellowed lace covering the one of two narrow side windows faming the door. A glimpse of a long-ashed cigarette smoking in a man's fingers jerks me back to the wall. Grace pants around her frayed rope as she stares intently at the bottom of the door, waiting for it to be opened. Not a chance. I glance at the deadbolt to confirm it's bolted and, with a dully clattering heart, back up to the railing.

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