Architecture Industrial Chic工业建筑设计

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  • 版 次:
  • 页 数:286
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:
  • 开 本:16开
  • 纸 张:铜版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9788879061711
作者:Redazione Varia 著
Complessi industriali dismessi, che hanno quindi perso la propria funzione originaria, possono rinascere a nuova vita grazie a progetti di riconversione che, rispondendo alle esigenze di una societ~ moderna in continua trasformazione, consentono un nuovo utilizzo di tall strutture. Industrial Chic riflette questa costante metamorfosi del paesaggio urbano: una metamorfosi che interessa ormai numerose metropoli e citta in tutto il mondo.
En perdant leur fonction principale, les b~timents industriels se voient modifies et reconve~is des fins multiples et s'adaptent aux n~cessites du present. Industrial Chic refl~te cette m~tamorphose constante du paysage urbain de diverses villes du monde entier.
  Industrial buildings in disuse, which have lost their main function, can be given a new lease of life by great projects which allow their reconversion into new and multifunctional solutions living up to the present-day needs. IndustrialChic reflects this constant and modern transformation of urban landscape in several cities around the world.
目  录
 Criar Institute Silvio Oksman & Fernanda Costa Neiva
 Ironworkers Local 580 Daniel Goldner Architects
 Tate Modern Herzog & de Meuron
 Jigsaw Pugh + Scarpa
 Auditorium Niccol6 Paganini Renzo Piano Building Workshop
 Theatre Sans Fil Saucier + Perrotte Architectes
 Jet Films Saucier + Perrotte Architectes
 The Henry Jones Art Hotel Morris-Nunn + Associates
 Saporiti Hub Marti Guix~
 East Hotel Jordan Mozer & Associates
 2004 TBA Temporary Theater Boora Architects

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