Turning Back the Clock(ISBN=9780156034210)

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:369
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2008年09月01日
  • 开 本:32开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9780156034210
作者:Umberto Eco 著出版社:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt出版时间:2008年09月 

The time: 2000 to 2005, the years of neoconservatism, terrorism, the twenty-four-hour news cycle, the ascension of Bush, Blair, and Berlusconi, and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. In this series of provocative, passionate, and wittyessays, Umberto Eco examines a wide range of phenomena,from Harry Potter, the Tower of Babel, talk shows, and the Enlightenment to The Da Vinci Code/ What led us, he asks,into this age of hot wars and media populism, and how was it sold to us as progress? In Turning Back the Clock, the bestselling author and respected scholar turns his famous intellect toward events both local and global to look at where our troubled world is headed.

~Umberto Eco (born 5 January 1932) is an Italian medievalist,semiotician, philosopher, literary critic and novelist, best knownfor his novel The Name of the Rose, an intellectual mysterycombining semiotics in fiction, biblical analysis, medieval studiesand literary theory. His 1988 novel Foucault's Pendulum has beendescribed as a "thinking person's Da Vinci Code". Eco is Presidentof the Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici, University of Bologna.He has also written academic texts, children’s books and manyessays. Eco was born in the city of Alessandria in the region ofPiedmont. His father, Giulio, was an accountant before thegovernment called upon him to serve in three wars. During World WarII, Umberto and his mother, Giovanna, moved to a small village inthe Piedmontese mountainside. Eco received a Salesian education,and he has made references to the order and its founder in hisworks and interviews. His family name is supposedly an acronym ofex caelis oblatus (Latin: a gift from the heavens), which was givento his grandfather (a foundling) by a city official. His father wasthe son of a family with thirteen children, and urged Umberto tobecome a lawyer, but he entered the University of Turin in order totake up medieval philosophy and literature, writing his thesis onThomas Aquinas and earning his BA in philosophy in 1954. Duringthis time, Eco left the Roman Catholic Church after a crisis offaith. After this, Eco worked as a cultural editor for the statebroadcasting station Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI) and alsolectured at the University of Turin (1956–64). A group ofavant-garde artists—painters, musicians, writers—whom he hadbefriended at RAI (Gruppo 63) became an important and influentialcomponent in Eco's future writing career. This was especially trueafter the publication of his first book in 1956, Il problemaestetico di San Tommaso, which was an extension of his doctoralthesis. This also marked the beginning of his lecturing career athis alma mater. In September 1962, he married Renate Ramge, aGerman art teacher with whom he has a son and a daughter. Hedivides his time between an apartment in Milan and a vacation housenear Rimini.Alastair McEwan was born in Dunfermline, Scotland, inJuly 1950. As a young man he did just about every kind of jobimaginable: factory hand, fisherman, pipeline labourer, farmhand,quarryman, and so on. In 1976 he came to Italy hitchhiking with afriend. He left, he stayed. In 1977 he went home and finished hisdegree, and he was back in Milan by the following year. The nextalmost ten years were spent teaching English literature and historyin a private school, which is also where he met my future wife, butthat’s her story. At the ripe old age of 36 he discoveredtranslation and quit teaching. To date, he has published over 60book-length translations (novels and non-fiction), umpteen essays,articles, and poems, plus several feature film *s and operaticlibrettos. He has worked with some of Italy’s finest livingwriters: Baricco, Busi, Eco, Jaeggy, Tabucchi, and Veronesi, justto name a few. Not a bad score for a chap whose headmaster said, onexpelling the miscreant, “You, boy, have not spent threeconsecutive days at school in four years. You will never getanywhere in life.” He was probably right, in a way, but at least hegot as far as Italy. Alastair also writes (very occasional)newspaper and magazine articles and, as tradition demands, he haa anovel gathering dust somewhere or other. Meglio così.~
目  录
Steps Back
Some Reflections on War and Peace
Love America and March for Peace
The Prospects for Europe
The Wolf and the Lamb: The Rhetoric of Oppression
Enlightenment and Common Sense
From Play to Carnival
The Loss of Privacy
On Political Correctness
On Private Schools
Science, Technology, and Magic
For Whom the Bell Tolls: A 2001 Appeal for a MoralReferendum

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