坎特伯雷故事集 (诺顿英国文学评论系列) Canterbury Tales: Fifteen Tales and The General Prologue

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:600
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2005年05月01日
  • 开 本:
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9780393925876
作者:Geoffrey Chaucer 著出版社:华文出版社出版时间:2005年12月 
This Norton Critical Edition includes the most admired of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Each is presented in the original language, with normalized spelling and substantial annotations for modern readers. Among the new added to the Second Edition are the much-requested "Merchant’s Tale" and the "Tale of Sir Thopas."
  "Sources and Backgrounds" are included for the General Prologue and for most of the tales, enabling students to understand The Canterbury Tales in light of relevant medieval ideas and attitudes and inviting comparison between Chaucer’s work and his sources.
  "Criticism" includes nine essays, four of them new to this edition, by leading Chaucerians, among them F. R. H. DuBoulay, E. Talbot Donaldson, Barbara Nolani, and Lee Patterson.
  A Chronology and Selected Bibliography are also included
目  录
Chaucer’s Language
Selections from The Canterbury Tales
 The General Prologue
 The Knight’s Tale
 The Miller’s Prologue and Tale
 The Reeve’s Prologue and Tale
 The Cook’s Prologue and Tale
 The Wife of Bath’s Prologue and Tale
 The Friar’s Prologue and Tale
 The Summoner’s Prologue and Tale
 The Clerk’s Prologue and Tale
 The Merchant’s Prologue and Tale
 The Franklin’s Prologue and Tale

 坎特伯雷故事集 (诺顿英国文学评论系列) Canterbury Tales: Fifteen Tales and The General Prologue下载





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