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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:299
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:1997年05月01日
  • 开 本:
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:精装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9780679446606
作者:Michael Lewis 著出版社:Oversea Publishing House出版时间:1997年12月 
A wickedly funny and astute chronicle of the 1996 presidential campaign - and how we go about choosing our leaders at the turn of the century.
Beginning with the primaries, Lewis traveled across America - a concerned citizen who happened to ride in candidates' airplanes (as well as rented cars in blinding New Hampshire blizzards) and write about their adventures. Among the contenders he observed: Pat Buchanan, a walking tour of American anger; Lamar Alexander, who appealed to people who pretend to be nice to get ahead; Steve Forbes, frozen in a smile and refusing to answer questions about his father's motorcycles; Alan Keyes, one of the great political speakers of our age, whom no one has ever heard of; Morry Taylor - "the Grizz" - the hugely successful businessman who became the refreshing embodiment of ordinary Americans' appetites and ambitions; Bob Dole, a man who set out to prove he would never be president; and Bill Clinton, the big snow goose who flew too high to be shot out of the sky.
We watch the cliches of this peculiar subculture collide with characters from the real world: a pig farmer in Iowa; an evangelical preacher in Colorado Springs; a homeless person in Manhattan; a prospective illegal immigrant in Mexico.
目  录
Prelude The People
One Trailers
Two The Grizz
Three The Crystal Owl
Four You're No Pig Farmer!
Five The Messenger
Six Animal Farm
Seven Strong Thermal
Eight The Mouth of the Old South
Nine Losers
Ten Blue-Collar Blues
Eleven Surrogates
Twelve The Normal Person of Tomorrow

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