历届奥斯卡金像奖回顾 ALL ABOUT OSCAR

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:390
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2003年11月01日
  • 开 本:
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9780826415554
作者:Emanuel Levy 著出版社:Oversea Publishing House出版时间:2004年12月 
Offering an assemblage of facts rather than a specific point of view, this survey of the Academy Awards is admirable for its breadth but tiring in its uninspired presentation. Building on his earlier Oscar Fever, film scholar Levy imparts a "sociological view of the historic, cultural, and political contexts" in which Oscar nominations are made. He explores the award from many angles, e.g., how genres have been represented, how popularity figures into the awards and what winning an Oscar means. Some of the freshest information comes in the history section, particularly in the discussions of unions and the Academy, and the ending of studio sponsorship of the Oscar ceremony. There are references galore to past Oscar ceremonies and many original observations, such as Levy's reasoning for why so many of the actors in William Wyler films were nominated for Oscars (he says it was because the films' long takes and deep focus helped actors achieve "real dramatic continuity"). But overall, the book is tedious, with many names per page and a fairly commonplace conclusion: Oscar-winning movies are often long, glossy epics. The concluding charts listing, among other things, the most nominated films and the highest-grossing Oscar winners, are welcome. Photos not seen by PW.
Emanuel Levy is the chief film critic for the renowned magazine Screen International. Levy was formerly senior film critic for Variety, covering the Hollywood scene as well as all the major film festivals. He is the author of seven books, including George
目  录
1. The Greatest Show on Earth
2. The History of the Oscar Award
3. The Oscar-King of the Showbiz Awards?
4. Hunks, Leading Ladies, and Second Bananas-The Nomination
5. The Luck of the British
6. Winning the Oscar
7. Is the Oscar a White Man's Award?
8. The Oscar-Winners-Biopictures and Problem Dramas
9. The Oscar-Winners-The Masculine Genres: Historical Epics, War Films, and Westerns
10. The Oscar-Winners-Comedies and Musicals
11. The Oscar and the Foreign-Language Picture
12. Boys Will Be Boys and Girls Will Be Girls: The Oscar-Winning Roles
13. The Importance of Being Eccentric
14. The Oscar as a Popularity Contest

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