
当前位置:首页 > 外语 > 英语读物 > 英美散文选读(二)(第二版)

  • 版 次:2
  • 页 数:270
  • 字 数:356000
  • 印刷时间:2014年08月01日
  • 开 本:16开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9787566310378
作者:蒋显璟 主编出版社:对外经贸大学出版社出版时间:2014年08月 
目  录
Unit One Knowledge and Wisdom NN
Unit Two Habit
Unit Three The Scientist as Rebel
Unit Four Predictable Crises of Adulthood
Unit Five The Evolution of Good and Bad
Unit Six Faces of the Enemy
Unit Seven Gibbon
Unit Eight Philistines and Philistinism
Unit Nine The American Scholar
Unit Ten A Professional Malaise
Unit Eleven Hebraism and Hellenism
Unit Twelve The Gift of Tongues
Supplementary Reading
Translation of Selected Sentences
  The ten years of Gibbon's life in London afford an astonishing spectacle of interacting energies. By what strange power did he succeed in producing a masterpiece of enormous erudition and perfect form, while he was leading the gay life of a man about town, spending his evenings at White's or Boodle's or the Club, attending Parliament, oscillating between his house in Bentineck Street, his country cottage at Hampton Court, and his little establishment at Brighton, spending his summers in Bath or Paris, and even, at odd moments, doing a little work at the Board of Trade, to show that his place was not entirely a sinecure? Such a triumph could only have been achieved by the sweet easonableness of the eighteenth century. "Monsieur Gibbon n'est point mon homme," said Rousseau. Decidedly ! The prophet of the coming age of sentiment and romance could have nothing in common with such a nature. It was not that the historian was a mere frigid observer of the golden mean - far from it. He was full of fire and feeling. His youth had been at moments riotous - night after night he had reeled hallooing down St. James's Street. Old age did not diminish the natural warmth of his affections; the beautiful letter - a model of its kind - written on the death of his aunt, in his fiftieth year, is a proof of it. But the fire and the feeling were controlled and coordinated. Boswell was a Rousseauite, one of the first of the Romantics, an inveterate sentimentalist and nothing could be more complete than the contrast between his career and Gibbon's. He, too, achieved a glorious triumph; but it was by dint of the sheer force of native genius sserting itself over the extravagance and disorder of an agitated life - a life which, after a desperate struggle, seemed to end at last in darkness and shipwreck.
  With Gibbon there was never any struggle: everything came naturally to him - learning and dissipation, industry and indolence, affection and scepticism - in the correct proportions; and he enjoyed himself up to the very end.






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