Fancy Nancy and the Mean Girl 漂亮的南希:没有人是完美的(I Can Read,Level 1) ISBN9780062001771

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2011年05月01日
  • 开 本:32开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9780062001771
  • 丛书名:I Can Read Book 1
作者:Jane O'Connor 著 Robin Preiss Glasser 绘出版社:HarperCollins出版时间:2011年05月 

  Nancy’s school is having a Field Day, and much to her chagrin, Nancy—who may be fancy in most regards but isn’t much of a runner—is on the relay team. Even worse, one of the girls on her team has a bit of a mean streak and Nancy is afraid of what will happen if she causes her team to lose. Nancy will have to do some fancy footwork to resolve her predicam


  Jane O'Connor and Robin Preiss Glasser are the author and illustrator of the #1 New York Times bestselling Fancy Nancy series. Jane lives with her family in New York City. Robin lives with her family in Southern California. Desde la publicación de Nancy la Elegante, el clóset de Jane O’Connor cuenta con tantas boas, coronas y atuendos brillantes que a veces sus amigas no la reconocen por la calle. Aún reside (esa es una palabra elegante para decir que vive) en la ciudad de Nueva York con su familia y su compa?ero canino, Arrow.


?“BESTSELLER” IS A FANCY WORD FOR POPULAR —This is the 14th I Can Read in the bestselling Fancy Nancy series. —Every I Can Read to date has been a BookScan bestseller. —Fancy Nancy titles have collectively sold over 12 million copies to date! ?IT’S A FANCY WORLD —Nancy has become a sensation. The country is enthralled with Nancy and her love of all things fancy! —She’s been translated into fourteen languages, and licensees make dolls, dresses, hats, tiaras, shoes, party goods, calendars, bedding, stationery, board games, card games, puzzles, backpacks, toddler and girl apparel, and much, much more! Fancy Nancy has become a household name and her personal philosophy—that true fanciness is a state of mind—has become a mantra for lots of little girls. ?SO HUMAN —Jane O’Connor’s Nancy is as on-target as ever. Beginning readers will respond to Nancy’s fear of letting the team down, will laugh at her solution, and will cheer when she finds the courage to stand up for herself. ?SCHOOL SETTING —All of the I Can Reads feature Nancy and her classmates, and end with a list of Nancy

 Fancy Nancy and the Mean Girl 漂亮的南希:没有人是完美的(I Can Read,Level 1) ISBN9780062001771下载





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