Mems And Microsystems: Design, Manufacture, And Nanoscale Engineering, Second Edition 9780470083017

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:550
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2008年03月01日
  • 开 本:16开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:精装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9780470083017
作者:Tai-Ran Hsu  著出版社:Wiley出版时间:2008年03月 

  A bestselling MEMS better than ever.
  An engineering design approach to Microelectromechanical Systems, MEMS and Microsystems remains the only available text to cover both the electrical and the mechanical aspects of the technology. In the five years since the publication of the first edition, there have been significant changes in the science and technology of miniaturization, including microsystems technology and nanotechnology. In response to the increasing needs of engineers to acquire basic knowledge and experience in these areas, this popular text has been carefully updated, including an entirely new section on the introduction of nanoscale engineering.
  Following a brief introduction to the history and evolution of nanotechnology, the author covers the fundamentals in the engineering design of nanostructures, including fabrication techniques for producing nanoproducts, engineering design principles in molecular dynamics, and fluid flows and heat transmission in nanoscale substances.
  Other highlights of the Second Edition include:
  Expanded coverage of microfabrication plus assembly and packaging technologies
  The introduction of microgyroscopes, miniature microphones, and heat pipes
  Design methodologies for thermally actuated multilayered device components
  The use of popular SU-8 polymer material
  Supported by numerous examples, case studies, and applied problems to facilitate understanding and real-world application, the Second Edition will be of significant value for both professionals and senior-level mechanical or electrical engineering students.

  A bestselling MEMS better than ever.
  An engineering design approach to Microelectromechanical Systems,MEMS and Microsystems remains the only available text to cover boththe electrical and the mechanical aspects of the technology. In thefive years since the publication of the first edition, there havebeen significant changes in the science and technology ofminiaturization, including microsystems technology andnanotechnology. In response to the increasing needs of engineers toacquire basic knowledge and experience in these areas, this populartext has been carefully updated, including an entirely new sectionon the introduction of nanoscale engineering.
  Following a brief introduction to the history and evolution ofnanotechnology, the author covers the fundamentals in theengineering design of nanostructures, including fabricationtechniques for producing nanoproducts, engineering designprinciples in molecular dynamics, and fluid flows and heattransmission in nanoscale substances.

  Tai–Ran Hsu, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, San Jose State University, California. Dr. Hsu is the author of the earlier edition of this book, which is considered one of the bestselling textbooks on the subject of MEMS.

目  录
Chapter 1: Overview of MEMS and Microsystems
 1.1 MEMS and Microsystem
 1.2 Typical MEMS and Microsystems Products
 1.3 Evolution of Microfabrication
 1.4 Microsystems and Microelectronics
 1.5 The Multidisciplinary Nature of Microsystems Design andManufacture
 1.6 Microsystems and Miniaturization
 1.7 Application of Microsystems in Automotive Industry
 1.8 Application of Microsystems in Other Industries
 1.9 Markets for Microsystems
Chapter 2: Working Principles of Microsystems
 2.1 Introduction

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