我能说,中国话 3

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2017年01月01日
  • 开 本:16开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装-胶订
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9787313162656



   A series of textbooks I can say, Chinese are not the same as all previous Chinese textbooks, they are the new practical Chinese textbooks. We divide the elementary materials into three volumes, each of which has three levels, and each level has 18 lessons. The book is based on a simple, easy to understand spoken English as a medium language.We explain the new words to you in a causal way. Here, you cannot find a large section of the text, text word table, and a large segment of the translation, instead of, each lesson is only three to five words, with the formulation of the instructions, it is the clearest way to ensure the utility of this word and quickly grasp the usage for the learners. A large number of examples will help you understand better and verify the previous explanation, so that Chinese learning becomes simple and regular! After each lesson is also equipped with listening, grammar and other appropriate exercises. A series of textbooks  I can say, Chinese, it reduces the size, easy to carry; it is more like a portable book, to accompany you in the subway, on the bus, in the cafe, studying in the library quiet and effective, if studying with online video courses on Chineseany, I believe your Chinese will have a progress! No need to worry about finding a good Chinese teacher, this book can match all of your imagination for a good teacher! If you are a Chinese teacher, choose I can say, Chinese , is a set of your improving materials, it will help you solve the puzzles in the daily teaching, There is only you cannot figure out, no we cannot refer to.Finally, I wish you all enjoy the books!


本系列教材是一套针对零起点的成年汉语学习者编写的汉语教程,共三册,每册 三个级别,每个级别十八课。本系列教材按照《国际汉语教学通用课程大纲》的要求,

目  录
Its So Quite Here
Please Wait a Moment
Its Time to Get up
We Are the Same
It Seems...
I Finished Eating My Breakfast
She Is Both Pretty and Smart
The Spring Is Coming
Sorry, Im Late Again
This Is My First Trip •
Just Novy I Was Not in the OfBce
Are You Satisfied With It
Where Shall We Meet
前  言
以“a little bit”为例,在汉语中可译为“有点儿”或“一点儿”,但用法却大不相同。本书未对其语法特点做过多讲解,仅用两个公式比较说明其相同点与不同点,即“有点儿 adj.”和“adj. —点儿”。“有点儿 adj.”用于不太满意时;“adj. —点儿”则用于比较。例如:“这个房间有点(儿)小,有大一点(儿)的吗?”这种讲解轻理论、重实用,言简意赅,能帮助学习者更加有效地分辨和记忆。

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