双层巴士二层的赫本鞋(英文版) Hepburn Shoes on The Double-decker

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:416
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2010年04月01日
  • 开 本:16开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装-胶订
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9787508517780
作者:陈志强 主编出版社:五洲传播出版社出版时间:2010年04月 
原版书名:Hepburn Shoes on The Double-Decker 
改革开放使越来越多的人走进城市,成为新都市人。他们的命运,他们的生活,他们的变化都反映了近30年以来,尤其是进入新世纪以来中国所发生的社会巨变。新都市小说属于近年来中国文坛涌现出来的一个新流派,集中体现了中国都市年轻人的精神面貌和日常生活。 2009年,由上海市作协和上海市文联联合主办,《上海采风》杂志社具体承办,在全国范围内组织了一次当代中国新都市小说征稿评奖活动,引发了较大的社会反响,社会各界好评不断。本书搜集的19篇新都市小说就是从这次活动中脱颖而出的优秀作品,代表了中国当代新都市小说的*水平。
Reading these unique and vivid stories, we can feel that these office workers, no matter where they are, at home or in office, in a bar or a café, have inner conflict under a placid countenance. Their pains and struggle are beyond many people’s imagination and their pursuit of success and true love is not well understood and accepted. The life of urban white-collars is as colorful as is their inner world. This perhaps is the main feature of today’s Chinese city life.
目  录
A Man Who Wears No Suit
Martha's Choice
Hepburn Shoes on the Double-Decker
Spell of the Painting
Nirvana of Love
A Compulsory Course
As Bright As The Peach Blossom
Lychee Martini
Bygones of No Significance
To The Nevedand Far Beyond My Reach
Be Sure to Live Happily
Lonely Love
前  言
PrefaceWhen Shanghai Wave held a literary contest in the genre of “new urban fiction”, I thought seriously about what “new urban fiction” means. Why is it called “new”? How does it compare with traditional urban fiction? And how do we define “old urban fiction”?Hepburn Shoes on the Double Decker is a collection of urban fiction stories from 2008 and will be published in a book. Some of the stories have been printed by the magazine and have drawn critical reviews, quite favorably.Because I get every issue of Shanghai Wave, I have read some of these stories. To publish this book, I read them once again. Then, it dawned on me that the characters depicted in these stories are either Chinese returning from overseas studies or company employees or young entrepreneurs. These urban white-collars are pursuing their dreams of career, love, marriage and family life. They are individuals of a new century, well-educated, well-paid, living a fast-paced city life, and influenced by the clash of Eastern and Western cultures. Their values and morals differ from tradition and from those of ordinary youths.Reading these unique and vivid stories, we can feel that these office workers, no matter where they are, at home or in office, in a bar or a café, have inner conflict under a placid countenance. Their pains and struggle are beyond many people’s imagination and their pursuit of success and true love is not well understood and accepted.The life of urban white-collars is as colorful as is their inner world. This perhaps is the main feature of today’s city life. This collection of “new urban fiction” mirrors, in vivid imagery, their pursuit of success and love. A big city is not all about offices. It is a colorful, complex society where people at all levels play a role. Since China began its reform and opening in the late 1970s, the cities have witnessed the emergence of new social classes, new settings, new people and new things. For example, the working class now lives in the suburbs. A driver may go to work in his Santana and drives a limo for his billionaire boss. If you roam the street, a marketplace and a residential area any time of the day, you will find the unique urban atmosphere and daily dramas unfolding in the street or alley. This land is fertile for “new urban fiction”.I think “new urban fiction” should make city readers say: “hey, this is about my city. This is about my life.” It should also make those who haven’t been to a big city live its colorful life vicariously. Moreover, it should show the world that Chinese city life is fascinating, just as I was captivated by a novel describing Montevideo before I made a trip to Uruguay.I hope Shanghai Wave can find more and better “new urban fiction” stories that portray various characters in the city.Maybe I am demanding too much.(Ye Xin is the Vice Chairman of the Chinese Writers’ Association)

 双层巴士二层的赫本鞋(英文版) Hepburn Shoes on The Double-decker下载





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