最经典英语文库 爱丽丝漫游奇境

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:92
  • 字 数:70000
  • 印刷时间:2013年10月01日
  • 开 本:48开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装-胶订
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9787205077921


刘易斯·卡罗尔(Lewis Carroll,1832-1898),原名查尔斯·路特维奇·道奇森(Charles Lutwidge Dodgson),英国数学家、逻辑学家、童话作家、牧师、摄影师。生性腼腆,患有严重的口吃,但兴趣广泛,对小说、诗歌.逻辑、儿童摄影等颇有造诣。毕业于牛津大学,长期在牛津大学任基督堂学院数学讲师,发表有关于行列式与平行原理的若干数学著作。其间还著有不少散文与打油诗,著名的诗集有《蛇鲨之猎》(1876),其中创造的新词"Snark"(蛇鲨)被英语词典收录。
目  录
General Preface
CHAPTER 1 Down the Rabbit-Hole
CHAPTER 2 The Pool of Tears
CHAPTER 3 A Caucus-Race and a Long Tale
CHAPTER 4 The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill
CHAPTER 5 Advice from a Caterpillar
CHAPTER 6 Pig and Pepper
CHAPTER 7 A Mad Tea-Party
CHAPTER 8 The Queen's Croquet-Ground
CHAPTER 9 The Mock Turtle's Story
CHAPTER 10 The Lobster Quadrille
CHAPTER 11 Who Stole the Tarts?
CHAPTER 12 Alice's Evidence
前  言
General Preface
  Millions of Chinese are learning English to acquire knowledge and skills for communication in a world where English has become the primary language for international discourse.Yet not many learners have come to realize that the command of the English language also enables them to have an easy access to the world literary classics such as Shakespeare's plays, Shelley's poems, mark Twain's novels and Nietzsche's works which are an important part of liberal-arts education.The most important goals of universities are not vocational, that is, not merely the giving of knowledge and the training of skills.
 Presently she began again. 'I wonder if I shall fall right THROUGH the earth! How funny it'll seem
  to come out among the people that walk with their heads downward! The Antipathies, I think-' (she was rather glad there WAS no one listening, this time, as it didn't sound at all the right word) '-but I shall have to ask them what the name of the country is, you know. Please, Ma'am, is this New Zealand or Australia?' (and she tried to curtsey as she spoke- fancy CURTSEYING as you're falling through the air! Do you think you could manage it?) 'And what an ignorant little girl she'Il think me for asking! No, it'll never do to ask: perhaps I shall see it written up somewhere.'
  Down, down, down. There was nothing else to do, so Alice soon began talking again. 'Dinah'Il miss me very much to-night, I should think!' (Dinah was the cat.) 'I hope they'll remember her saucer of milk at tea-time. Dinah my dear! l wish you were down here with me! There are no mice in the air, I'm afraid, but you might catch a bat, and that's very like a mouse, you know. But do cats eat bats, I wonder?' And here Alice began to get rather sleepy, and went on saying to herself, in a dreamy sort of way, 'Do cats eat bats? Do cats eat bats?' and sometimes, 'Do bats eat cats?' for, you see, as she couldn't answer either question, it didn't much ruatter which way she put it. She felt that she was dozing off, and had just begun to dream that she was walking hand in hand with Dinah, and saying to her very earnestly, 'Now, Dinah, tell me the truth: did you ever eat a bat?' when suddenly, thump! thump! down she came upon a heap of sticks and dry leaves, and the fall was over.
  Alice was not a bit hurt, and she jumped up on to her feet in a moment: she looked up, but it was all dark overhead; before her was another long passage, and the White Rabbit was still in sight, hurrying down it.

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