The Virtuoso(ISBN=9781585670031)

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:201
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2000年03月01日
  • 开 本:32开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:精装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9781585670031
作者:Margriet de Moor 著出版社:Penguin出版时间:2000年03月 

  In Margriet de Moor's exquisite (and exquisitely translated) The Virtuoso, a love affair with a castrato becomes the last thing one would expect: thoroughly, almost overwhelmingly physical. A bestseller in Europe, this Dutch writer's novel overflows with the sights and smells, tastes and textures of an 18th-century Naples caught in intellectual and sensual ferment. Here, thieves take shelter in churches, carriages race through the narrow streets, and aristocrats gamble, discuss Descartes, cross-dress, and swoon over their favorite male sopranos. Into this heady milieu comes Carlotta, Duchess of Rocca d'Evandro, married at 15 and a firm believer that "your body is what you are and all knowledge begins with desire."
  What, then, to do with a body like Gasparo's? A native of the same village as Carlotta, at age 11 Gasparo underwent the infamous operation that would keep his soprano suitably pure. Years later, Carlotta hears him sing in the San Carlo theater and immediately falls into a fever of desire. One expects such a passion to be primarily metaphorical, and there is indeed something quixotic about her love for Gasparo, with his voice that "attests to a world beyond this world but which comes none the less from a body like every other: warm, full of obscure desires." Well, not quite like every other. A product of both prodigious natural gifts and prodigiously unnatural intervention, Gasparo is closer to a work of art than a man--but that doesn't prevent Carlotta from lusting after his bod. With some coaxing on her part, they manage to have an affair, the mechanics of which Carlotta by no means ignores in her breathless narration.
  De Moor writes compellingly about beauty and art, but the book's real strength lies in her almost offhand depiction of Neapolitan aristocracy--its decadence, its playfulness, and even its casual cruelty. ("Only one boy in four fails to survive" Gasparo's operation, Carlotta breezily notes.) Reading The Virtuoso is like immersing yourself in another world entirely, one in which the central love affair makes beautiful sense. History is full of mutilation in the name of art; de Moor's triumph is to make the mutilation itself a subject of desire. --Mary Park

  From the highly acclaimed Dutch writer Margriet de Moor, anextremely sensitive and sensual recreation of 18th CenturyNaples.
  For one entire opera season, Carlotta sits in her candle-lit boxheld in the spell of a world in which knowledge, beauty and lovecollide: music. She is falling in love with the castrati, Gasparo.Set in eighteenth-century Naples, a place of carriages, churchesvisited by criminals, and ships resting in dusky harbors, TheVirtuoso is the tale of an exceptional place and an exceptionalpassion.
  A bestseller throughout Europe, The Virtuoso is both awonderfully romantic historical novel and a literary triumph. Withthis very unusual love story, her first publication in the UnitedStates, Margriet de Moor is sure to attract a great many Americanreaders.
  "Margriet de Moor's virtuoso novel meets exactly the taste of ourown time for the bizarre made sympathetic, the beautiful seen asthe technical. . . De Moor--formerly a singer--describes Gasparo'ssinging, his swoony effect on his audiences and his lady's delightin his naked body with rhapsodically expert relish."--Sunday Times(London)

  Margriet de Moor studied piano and singing at the Academy of Music in The Hague. Her first novel, First Grey, Then White, Then Blue, won the prestigious Ako Prize in Holland and on publication by Picador in Britain was shortlisted for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize.


  "There's history, and then there's the future, too. In between the two is the fascinating moment when the world changes." The Dutch writer Margriet de Moor locates one such moment in mid-18th-century Naples, symbolized by the love affair between a castrato and a young noblewoman that is the subject of her elegant novel The Virtuoso, which has been beautifully translated by Ina Rilke. -- The New York Times Book Review, Julie Gray

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