英语街初中版 2014年4 5 6月杂志 适合初中1-3年级(全国中学生英语阅读竞赛官方指定读物 一本以初中生的视角来阅读世界的双语读物)

当前位置:首页 > 中小学教辅 > 初中通用 > 英语街初中版 2014年4 5 6月杂志 适合初中1-3年级(全国中学生英语阅读竞赛官方指定读物 一本以初中生的视角来阅读世界的双语读物)

  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2014年04月01日
  • 开 本:大16开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9787229018962
目  录
松鼠和狮子 五环变四环:是奥迪,还是暗讽? 学章子怡拿起法律武器说不 马年春晚,绕不开的话题 妈妈不准看动画片,熊孩子却报警 2014春晚十大流行语 用外语思考更理智 高额学费导致英国大学生减少17% 双子座富翁最多 全球十大最震撼湖泊 盘点和老外容易发生的十大误会 2014我那不靠谱的预测 《芒果街上的小屋》 童年往事 春日融雪 无畏的勇气让他走得更远 中考“词汇应用”专项训练 马年里与“马”有关的英语成语 中考应用文书面表达预测(二) 让我牵你的手 在你心中的位置 洋气歌、奇葩词 818那些让你瞬间惊呆的歌词 亮瞎你的街头卖萌墙角
前  言
《英语街》(初中版),权威的专家队伍,地道的英语表达,纯正的网络语音播放,——全新的《TEENS SPACE》双语刊,一本致力于提高初中生英语兴趣和能力的典范刊物!本刊宗旨:
1. News 直通车——全球各地新奇有趣的时事、热点、影视动漫、咨询等。
2. 异域风情Bar——全球各地的风土人情、文化及当前世界各地的流行元素。
3. 原味英语角——全球各国同龄人的博客及原汁原味的英语表达。
4. 故事小木屋——优美而富有哲理的原创英文经典故事、寓言、诗歌等。
5. 知识专卖店——最新中考真题及考点分析、作文技法技巧等实用内容。
6. 英语QQ堂——流行英美歌曲、明星故事、各种诙谐幽默的笑话、智力题等。
The Great Blue Yonder

I felt suddenly cold inside. I wished I had some kind of ghostly coat to wrap around me. I felt cold and lonely and almost wanted to cry. And it was the first time I’d really felt like that, since I’d been dead.
But I knew that whatever these feelings were, I couldn’t give in to them. I had to keep a grip on myself and not go to pieces. Because a ghost isn’t much use to anyone at the best of times, but a ghost who’s cracked up and gone to pieces is no use at all.
I found myself going by the cathedral, and I looked up at the clock. The schools were emptying. The streets filled up with kids: Kids with lunch boxes, kids with schoolbags, kids in uniforms, kids in jeans and trainers.
A ghostly lump came to my ghostly throat. I felt angry and sad and bitter and tearful all at once. For the first time since I’d been dead I wanted to shout and scream and rage and yell out, “It’s not right! It’s not fair! I want my life back! I was only a kid. I shouldn’t have had to die. It’s all that stupid lorry’s fault. It wasn’t even as if I was to blame. It’s not as if I even deserved it! It’s so unfair!”
But then I thought, well, who does deserve it? Who does deserve to have bad things happen to them? Nobody really. And I suppose that things just happen whether you deserve them or not.
It isn’t fair though, I thought, as I watched all the children go by. They walked around me and through me, laughing and messing about, fighting even, some of them, or just talking to their mates, having some fun and playing around.

 英语街初中版 2014年4 5 6月杂志 适合初中1-3年级(全国中学生英语阅读竞赛官方指定读物 一本以初中生的视角来阅读世界的双语读物)下载





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