MOO 哞哞叫(趣味启蒙认知系列)精装9781442435032

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2011年08月30日
  • 开 本:
  • 纸 张:铜版纸
  • 包 装:精装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9781442435032
作者:Matthew Van Fleet 著出版社:Simon & Schuster出版时间:2011年08月 


  From the creator of the "New York Times" bestsellers "Heads" and "Dog." Oink, cluck, squeak, moo . . . cock-a-doodle-doo Ingeniously designed flaps and pull tabs, accompanied by pettable textures, offer a flock of interactive fun in this innovative introduction to the habits and distinctive voices of seven species of barnyard residents. Toddlers will delight in identifying and imitating each critter


This interactive board book dazzles the senses by portraying farm animals’ sounds and textures. Nimble fingers can manipulate pages that include lifting flaps to reveal surprises, pulling and pushing tabs that create animal actions, and touching textures that represent animal fur and feathers. Touch and sound combine when listeners discover a rubber duck among the real ones and push a pad that makes the toy squeak. Children will learn the names for male and female, adult and young of each variety (“Mommy ewe, Daddy ram, Lambs just born”). The minimal text includes rhythm and rhyme. Stanton’s full-color photographs contribute to the authenticity of the animals and the sensations stimulated in this book. Children are in store for an enriching, tactile-rich experience.


 MOO 哞哞叫(趣味启蒙认知系列)精装9781442435032下载





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