破窗破业Broken Windows, Broken Business

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:170
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2006年11月01日
  • 开 本:
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9780446698481
作者:Michael Levine 著出版社:艺洲出版时间:2006年11月 
Law-and-order criminology inspires this dour, hectoring treatise on the importance of sweating the small stuff in business. PR executive Levine, author of Guerrilla P.R., combines his professional concern for detailed image control with James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling's theory that minor signs of disorder foster a climate of insecurity that causes decent folk to flee. He contends that a company's metaphorical "broken windows"—a confusing Web site, messy restrooms, peeling paint, nagging inconsistencies like "when the waiter at a Chinese restaurant is named Billy Bob"—signal an indifference to consumer satisfaction that repels customers. His remedies are fairly routine: deploy mystery shoppers to ferret out shortcomings, remember that first impressions are lasting, strive to "exceed expectations." What's unusual is his fanaticism, his demands that businesspeople cultivate "the obsessive, compulsive, almost violent need to find the flaws," even when others "deny such things exist or insist that they are unimportant and that you are being ridiculous." Such denials may indicate that "more employees should be getting fired," particularly those who don't smile or are otherwise "coasting, doing their time, merely existing" and infecting other workers with their "virus." Levine is one hard-nosed beat cop, but his strident, repetitive style and emotionally insensitive methods mean that many readers (and certainly their underlings) will find the book more demoralizing than motivating.
目  录
One Broken Windows in Business
Two Can McDonald's Be Saved?
Three Obsession and Compulsion
Four How the MighW Have Fallen
Five Expectation vs. RealiW
Six  Branding and Broken Windows
Seven The Employee as Broken Window
Etgbt Why Krispy Kreme Is Better Than Dunkin' Donuts (and Vice Versa)
Nine Fly the What Skies?
Ten Doing It Right
Eleven Do You Google?
Twelve Broken Wires: Broken Windows on the Net
Thirteen The Public, Watchdog

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