
当前位置:首页 > 外语 > 英语考试 > iBT托福阅读教程

  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2016年03月01日
  • 开 本:128开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9787300207926
作者:杜苗 王红柳出版社:中国人民大学出版社出版时间:2016年03月 
目  录
第1章 概述
第一节 托福阅读概述
第二节 托福阅读考试规则的变革
第2章 基础篇
第一节 句子成分识别
第二节 简单句
第三节 并列句
第四节 复合句
第五节 托福阅读长难句的处理
第六节 特殊句型
第七节 段落阅读技巧
第3章 强化篇
第一节 词汇题
前  言
第五节 细节题
★ 考查形式
The vast grasslands of the High Plains in the central United States were settled by farmers and ranchers in the 1880’s. This region has a semiarid climate, and for 50 years after its settlement, it supported a low-intensity agricultural economy of cattle ranching and wheat farming. In the early twentieth century, however, it was discovered that much of the High Plains was underlain by a huge aquifer (a rock layer containing large quantities of groundwater). This aquifer was named the Ogallala aquifer after the Ogallala Sioux Indians, who once inhabited the region.
According to paragraph 1, which of the following statements about the High Plains is true?
A. Until farmers and ranchers settled there in the 1880’s, the High Plains had never been inhabited.
B. The climate of the High Plains is characterized by higher-than-average temperatures.
C. The large aquifer that lies underneath the High Plains was discovered by the Ogallala Sioux Indians.
D. Before the early 1900’s there was only a small amount of farming and ranching in the High Plains.
(1)According to the paragraph, which of the following is true of A?
(2)The author’s description of A mentions which of the following?
(3)According to the paragraph, A occurred because…
(4)According to the paragraph, A did B because…
(5)According to the paragraph, why did A do B?
★ 题目特点






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