Purpose in the Living World?

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:311
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2012年01月01日
  • 开 本:16开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:精装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9780521493406
作者:Jacob Klapwijk 著出版社:Cambridge University Press出版时间:2012年01月 

  Are evolution and creation irreconcilably opposed? Is 'intelligent design' theory an unhappy compromise? Is there another way of approaching the present-day divide between religious and so-called secular views of the origins of life? Jacob Klapwijk offers a philosophical analysis of the relation of evolutionary biology to religion, and addresses the question of whether the evolution of life is exclusively a matter of chance or is better understood as including the notion of purpose. Writing from a Christian (Augustinian) point of view, he criticizes creationism and intelligent design theory as well as opposing reductive naturalism. He offers an alternative to both and an attempt to bridge the gap between them, via the idea of 'emergent evolution'. In this theory the process of evolution has an emergent or innovative character resulting in a living world of ingenious, multifaceted complexity.

目  录
1. Does life on Earth have a purpose?
2. Creationism, intelligent design, and Augustine's idea oftime
3. Darwin, neo-Darwinism and the naturalistic continuityclaim
4. Miller's pre-biotic broth and the premises of evolutionism
5. A cold shudder along Darwin's back
6. The emergence theory of Morgan and Alexander
7. Luctor et emergo: what is emergent evolution?
8. Towards a general theory of emergent evolution
9. Hominization and the philosophy of mind
10. Augustinian faith and evolutionary science
11. The organism is a whole. The world is a habitat
12. The slumbering temptation of essentialism

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