The Statistical Consultant in Action(ISBN=9780521047517)

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:189
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2006年01月01日
  • 开 本:16开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9780521047517
作者:B. S. Everitt 著出版社:Cambridge University Press出版时间:2006年01月 

This book presents the human side of statistical consulting and illustrates the problems and opportunities that can arise for the modern consultant. Statistical problems occur in almost all areas of science, in medicine, in industry, in marketing, and in finance, and a wide range of interests is catered for by the twelve contributions to this unique volume. These contributions demonstrate that statistical consultancy provides a broad spectrum of intellectually stimulating problems, as well as being a vital tool in many aspects of modern life. The book will be valuable to university and college students of statistics and to all those who use statistical techniques in a consultancy environment of any kind.

目  录
List of contributors
1. Statistical consultancy D. J. Hand and B. S. Everitt
2. Consultants' cameos: a chapter of encounters TonyGreenfield
3. Straight consulting V. Barnett
4. A two-period crossover trial D. Clayton and M. Hills
5. Consultancy in a medical school, illustrated by a clinical trialfor treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis D. G. Cook and S. J.Pocock
6. The analysis of response latencies G. Dunn
7. Acid rain and tree roots: an analysis of an experiment J. N. R.Jeffers
8. On identifying yeasts and related problems J. C. Gower and R. W.Payne
9. Uneven sex ratios in the light-brown apple moth: a problem inoutlier allocation Toby Lewis
10. Collaboration between university and industry B. J. T. Morgan,P. M. North and S. E. Pack
11. Inspection for faulty components before or after assembly ofmanufactured items P. M. E. Altham
12. Statistical modelling of the EEC Labour Force Survey: a projecthistory M. Aitkin and R. Healey

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