
当前位置:首页 > 外语 > 英语读物 > 人性的优点(卡耐基励志经典.英文原版)——20世纪伟大的心灵导师和成功学大师的励志经典

  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2010年11月01日
  • 开 本:12k
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9787513502344




目  录
Part One / Fundamental Facts You Should Know about Worry
 Chapter 1 Live in "Day-tight Compartments"
 Chapter 2 A Magic Formula for Solving Worry Situations
 Chapter 3 What Worry May Do to You
Part Two / Basic Techniques in Analysing Worry
 Chapter 4 How to Analyse and Solve Worry Problems
 Chapter 5 How to Eliminate Fifty Per Cent of Your BusinessWorries
Part Three / How to Break the Worry Habit Before It BreaksYou
 Chapter 6 How to Crowd Worry Out of Your Mind
 Chapter 7 Don't Let the Beetles Get You Down
 Chapter 8 A Law That Will Outlaw Many of Your Worries
 Chapter 9 Co-operate with the Inevitable
 Chapter 10 Put a "Stop-Loss" Order on Your Worries
 Chapter 11 Don't Try to Saw Sawdust
前  言
In 1909, I was one of the unhappiest lads in New York. I wasselling motor-trucks for a living. I didn't know what made amotor-truck run. That wasn't all: I didn't want to know. I despisedmy job. I despised living in a cheap furnished room on WestFifty-sixth Street —— a room infested with cockroaches. I stillremember that I had a bunch of neckties hanging on the walls; andwhen I reached out of a morning to get a fresh necktie, thecockroaches scattered in all directions. I desp-ised having to eatin cheap, dirty restaurants that were also probably infested withcockroaches.
I came home to my lonely room each night with a sick headache —— aheadache bred and fed by disappointment, worry, bitte-rness, andrebellion. I was rebelling because the dreams I had nourished backin my college days had turned into nightma-res. Was this life? Wasthis the vital adventure to which I had looked forward so eagerly?Was this all life would eve-r mean to me —— working at a job Idespised, living with cockroaches, eating vile food —— and with nohope for the future?... I longed for leisure to read, and to writethe books I had dreamed of writing back in my college days.

Forty-two years later, on a soft spring night when the tulips were blooming on the campus, this man, Sir William Osler, addressed the students of Yale University. He told those Yale students that a man like himself who had been a professor in four universities and had written a popular book was supposed to have "brains of a special quality". He declared that that was untrue. He said that his intimate friends knew that his brains were "of the most mediocre character".
What, then, was the secret of his success? He stated that it was owing to what he called living in "day-tight compartments." What did he mean by that? A few months before he spoke at Yale, Sir William Osler had crossed the Atlantic on a great ocean liner where the captain standing on the bridge, could press a button and —— presto! —— there was a clanging of machinery and various parts of the ship were immediately shut off from one another —— shut off into watertight compartments. "Now each one of you," Dr. Osler said to those Yale students, "is a much more marvelous organization than the great liner, and bound on a longer voyage. What I urge is that you so learn to control the machinery as to live with 'day-tight compartments' as the most certain way to ensure safety on the voyage. Get on the bridge, and see that at least the great bulkheads are in working order. Touch a button and hear, at every level of your life, the iron doors shutting out the Past —— the dead yesterdays. Touch another and shut off, with a metal curtain, the Future —— the unborn tomorrows. Then you are safe —— safe for today!... Shut off the past! Let the dead past bury its dead Shut out the yesterdays which have lighted fools the way to dusty death The load of tomorrow, added to that of yesterday, carried today, makes the strongest falter. Shut off the future as tightly as the past The future is today There is no tomorrow. The day of man's salvation is now.






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