当前位置:首页 > 文学 > 英文原版书-文学 > THE MAYOR OF CASTERBRIDGE卡斯特桥市长(ISBN=9780553210248)

  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:340
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:1981年03月01日
  • 开 本:32开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9780553210248
作者:Thomas Hardy 著出版社:Random House US出版时间:1981年03月 
  From Library Journal
  If this audiobook were a movie, it might drain the entire WestEnd to replace the single voice of Tony Britton. Not only does hedisplay extraordinary command of old dialects, but he also revealsdeep understanding of the rural inhabitants of 18th-century Wessex.So skilled is the reading that it could be the colorful charactersthemselves sounding off at The Three Mariners in the center ofCasterbridge. Of course author Hardy (Tess of the D'Urbervilles,Audio Reviews, LJ 5/15/92) has done his part. This novel is one ofhis most inspiring creations. It is about a common field laborer,Michael Henshard, who becomes a leader in this small market townand then?through his own failure?sinks back miserably to his humblebeginnings. As this tragic figure moves across the landscape ofHardy's native Dorset, de*ions of the countryside are asevocative as paintings by John Constable and as lively as scenes byPeter Brueghel. Highly recommended.?Jo Carr, Sarasota, Fla.
  Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refersto the Audio Cassette edition.
  ?Hardy?s world is a world that can never disappear.? ?MargaretDrabble -- Review --This text refers to the Paperbackedition.
  "Wonderful, comprehensive edition at reasonable cost to students.The chronology, maps, notes on text, and introduction by thetalented Dale Kramer make this edition a great value for themoney."--Bonnie W. Epstein, Plymouth State College
  --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition ofthis title.

  From its spectacular opening–the astonishing scene in which drunken Michael Henchard sells his wife and daughter to a passing sailor at a county fair–to the breathtaking series of discoveries at its conclusion, The Mayor of Casterbridge claims a unique place among Thomas Hardy’s finest and most powerful novels.

  Rooted in an actual case of wife-selling in early nineteenth-century England, the story build into an awesome Sophoclean drama of guilt and revenge, in which the strong, willful Henchard rises to a position of wealth and power–only to suffer a most bitter downfall. Proud, obsessed, ultimately committed to his own destruction, Henchard is, as Albert Guerard has said, “Hardy’s Lord Jim…his only tragic hero and one of the greatest tragic heroes in all fiction.

  Thomas Hardy, whose writings immortalized the Wessex countryside and dramatized his sense of the inevitable tragedy of life,was born near Egdon Heath Dorset in 1840, the eldest child of aprosperous stonesmason. As a youth he trained as an architect in1862 obtained a post in London. During this time he began seriouslyto write poetry, which remained his first literary love and hislast. In 1867-68, his fist novel was refused publication, but Underthe Greenwood Tree (1872), his first Essex novel, did well enoughfor him to continue writing. In 1874, Far from the Madding Crowd,published serially and anonymously in the Cornhill Magazine, becamea great success. Hardy married Emma Gifford in1874, and in 1855,they settled at Max Gate in Dorchester, where he lived the rest ofhis life. There he wrote The Return of the Native (1878) The Mayorof Casterbridge (1886), Tess of the d’Urbervilles (1891), and Judethe Obscure (1895). With Tess Hardy clashed with the expectationsof his audience; a storm of abuse broke over the “infidelity” and“obscenity” of this great novel he had subtitled “A Pure WomanFaithfully Presented.” Jude the Obscure aroused even greaterindignation and was denounced as pornography. Hardy’s disgust atthe reaction to Jude led him to announce in 1896 that he wouldnever write fiction again. He published the Wessex Poems in 1898,Poems of the Past and Present in 1901, and from 1903 to 1908, TheDynasts, a huge drama in which Hardy’s conception of the ImmanentWill, implicit in the tragic novels, in most clearly stated. In1912, Hardy’s wife Emma died. The marriage was childless and hadlong been a troubled one, but in the years after her death, Hardymemorialized her in several poems. At 74, he married his longtimesecretary, Florence Dugdale, herself a writer of children’s booksand articles, with whom he lived happily until his death in 1928.His heart was buried in the Wessex countryside; his ashes wereplaced next to Charles Dickens’s in the Poets Corner of WestminsterAbbey.

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