
当前位置:首页 > 文学 > 英文原版书-文学 > NOSTROMO(ISBN=9780679409908)

  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:512
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2011年11月01日
  • 开 本:16开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:精装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9780679409908
作者:Joseph Conrad,Tony Tanner 编出版社:Random House US出版时间:2011年11月 

  This involved, philosophical novel is not for the casual listener, especially one who is supposed to be concentrating on the road ahead. Writing in 1904, Conrad invented a complex South American country with a turbulent history and a potentially explosive population, ranging from the wealthy gringo running the Sulaco silver mine to the poorest worker loading cargo on the docks. Although the story teems with lively characters, the dazzling figure of Nostromo eclipses them all. A natural leader?brave, handsome, and incorruptible?he naturally becomes the epicenter of the revolution that soon devastates Sulaco. With characteristic eloquence, Conrad has focused on the dramatic action of the revolution to explore challenging themes: capitalism, imperialism, revolution, and social justice. Unfortunately, this audio program, read by Frederick Davidson, is disappointing. Despite fine dramatic characterizations, the narrator's posh British accent is so pronounced that it often detracts from the text. Since Nostromo has also been narrated by Frank Muller (Recorded Books) and Wolfram Kandinsky (Books on TapeR), perhaps this version may not be the best choice.?Jo Carr, Sarasota, Fla.
  Copyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to the Audio Cassette edition.



  Conrad's foresight and his ability to pluck the human adventure from complex historical circumstances were such that his greatest novel, Nostromo -- though nearly one hundred years old -- says as much about today's Latin America as any of the finest recent accounts of that region's turbulent political life. Insistently dramatic in its storytelling, spectacular in its recreation of the subtropical landscape, this picture of an insurrectionary society and the opportunities it provides for moral corruption gleams on every page with its author's dry, undeceived, impeccable intelligence.


  Joseph Conrad was born in the Ukraine in 1857 and grew up under Tsarist autocracy. In 1874 Conrad travelled to Marseilles, where he served in French merchant vessels before joining a British ship in 1878 as an apprentice. In 1886 he obtained British nationality. Eight years later he left the sea to devote himself to writing, publishing his first novel, Almayer's Folly, in 1895. The following year he settled in Kent, where he produced within fifteen years such modern classics as Youth, Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, Typhoon, Nostromo, The Secret Agent and Under Western Eyes. He continued to write until his death in 1924. --This text refers to the Paperback edition.






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