The Evolution of Bruno Littlemore《进化吧,布鲁诺》:继承了《铁皮鼓》和《午夜的孩子》的聪明人写的小说

当前位置:首页 > 文学 > 英文原版书-文学 > The Evolution of Bruno Littlemore《进化吧,布鲁诺》:继承了《铁皮鼓》和《午夜的孩子》的聪明人写的小说

  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:578
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2011年02月01日
  • 开 本:32开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9780446575904
作者:Benjamin Hale 著出版社:Hachette出版时间:2011年02月 

Bruno Littlemore is quite unlike any chimpanzee in the world. Precocious, self-conscious and preternaturally gifted, young Bruno, born and raised in a habitat at the local zoo, falls under the care of a university primatologist named Lydia Littlemore. Learning of Bruno's ability to speak, Lydia takes Bruno into her home to oversee his education and nurture his passion for painting. But for all of his gifts, the chimpanzee has a rough time caging his more primal urges. His untimely outbursts ultimately cost Lydia her job, and send the unlikely pair on the road in what proves to be one of the most unforgettable journeys -- and most affecting love stories -- in recent literature. Like its protagonist, this novel is big, loud, abrasive, witty, perverse, earnest and amazingly accomplished. THE EVOLUTION OF BRUNO LITTLEMORE goes beyond satire by showing us not what it means, but what it feels like be human -- to love and lose, learn, aspire, grasp, and, in the end, to fail.


Benjamin Hale is a graduate of the Iowa Writers Workshop, where he received a Provost's Fellowship to complete his novel, which also went on to win a Michener-Copernicus Award. He has been a night shift baker, a security guard, a trompe l'oeil painter, a pizza deliverer, a cartoonist, an illustrator and a technical writer. He grew up in Colorado and now lives in New York.

 The Evolution of Bruno Littlemore《进化吧,布鲁诺》:继承了《铁皮鼓》和《午夜的孩子》的聪明人写的小说下载





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