
当前位置:首页 > 建筑 > 建筑外观设计 > 城市建筑装饰

  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2013年03月01日
  • 开 本:12k
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9787560982878





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目  录
Isernia Golf Club
Happy Street
Bamboo Restaurant
GATE 750
前  言
  just products of rapid development.But architectureembellishments are different from them.They are the master ofpublic realm. They are geniuses with light and shadow.They get ridof gravity with unique rhythm when they are dancing above andextending free.Some of them are Just up from a simple base.Thenwithout any foreshadowings or transitions, they are towering highin the air, overlooking the city.Some of them are unique with smallvolume and colorful fa?ade, representing the identity of the cityand the feature of the era. There is no convention between fictionand fact. Maybe traditional exterior wall is not heavy. Maybe neatstructure is not rigid. Maybe huge volume is not clumsy. Under thewild, vertical and strong line, there is something tactful,intricate or exquisite.Under the smooth, luxury and fluid fa?ade,there is something cool, concise or extended.Even the light isseemed especially delicate and graceful, because of the elegantarchitecture embellishments. However, the beauty of architectureembellishments is not only on the surface, but also inside them.Architecture embellishment is a kind of poetry.It is a piece ofpoetry which enshrined love and grace. Every project in this book,is like an exquisite silver button which is decorating the citycloak with shining light.Only if you feel the elegant of thearchitecture embellishment and enjoy the poetry, you will see thereal beauty of the urban and touch the deep part.There must be aproper architecture embellishment which suit the public realm andeven the whole city. Then it will shine and attract every citizens.那是怎样的一份诗情,凝固成这琼楼玉宇?水泥丛林内高楼大厦无数,唯独这些空间的主角、光影的精灵,以特有的节奏,摆脱重力,凌空飞舞,自由伸展。有的从一个平凡的基点拔地而起,不需要铺垫和过渡,轻易地甩下世俗和浮尘,兀立云端,俯视全城;有的造型新颖、体量小巧、色彩张扬,寄托着某种如歌情怀,彰显着某个时代特点。虚实之间并无常理,传统的外墙并不一定厚重,规整的结构并不一定死板,庞大的体量并不一定笨拙。在粗犷、垂直、强劲的线条下,也可以是委婉、曲折与细碎;在光滑、华美、流利的表皮下,也可以是冷峻、精练与延展。就连光线,也因美妙的建筑,显得格外精致、缠绵,甚至绰约。然而,建筑之美不可浮于表面,它需要内涵与外延。优秀的建筑就像一首诗,不但有工整的格式,字字珠玑,自由流畅,却又显得婉约蕴藉,余味隽永。本书中的建筑如同一粒粒精致的银扣,缀在都市大氅上,不分昼夜地熠熠闪光。你只有亲眼看到细致的装饰,感受凝固的诗情,才会惊诧城市的繁华和丰富,才会叹服城市的高雅与深邃。朦胧之中,总会有一抹灿烂与现实重叠,袅袅卷舒,交相辉映,有如晕开的墨花,也似浮水上的轻波涟漪,令人陶醉不已。凝固的诗情

  该项目通过利用新颖的计算机设计和仿真模拟法,以及在建筑中使用计算机控制制造法,将海胆的生物骨骼结构进行了建筑风格的转变。这项极富特色的创新项目主要在于将可辨识的生物原理和相关的性能,通过电脑程序高效地转变成不同的几何形状。这一过程可以证明,亭子形态只靠使用超薄的胶合板(厚6.5毫米)就能建成。Design Conception
  The result is a bending-active structure made entirely of elastically-bent plywood strips. The strips are robotically manufactured as planar elements, and subsequently connected so that elastically bent and tensioned regions alternate along their length. The force that is locally stored in each bent region of the strip, and maintained by the corresponding tensioned region of the neighboring strip, greatly increases the structural capacity of the system. In order to prevent local points of concentrated bending moments, the locations of the connection points between strips needs to change along the structure. The combination of both the stored energy resulting from the elastic bending during the construction process and the morphological differentiation of the joint locations enables a very lightweight system.设计构思
  这是一个完全由条状弯曲胶合板组成的主动挠曲结构。其错综复杂的网络结构体系由结点及相关的力矢量组成,利用胶合薄板的弹性加以调节,从而达成精妙的平衡状态,拓展出一方独特的建筑空间。初始的胶合平板条由6 轴工业机器人制造并连接,使其受弯和受拉部位沿长度方向交错分布。局部应力存储在板条的各个挠曲部位,并由相邻板条所对应的张拉部位加以维持,从而大大增加了系统的结构承载力。为了避免瞬间局部弯矩集中,板条之间的接头交替排布,最终形成了新奇独特的建筑外壳。Design Conception
  Together with the standard playground facilities the designer wished to combine an enclosed space for fire, storytelling and playing.Given a very limited budget, reusing leftover materials (from a nearby construction site) was a starting point that led the design to be based on short wooden pieces. Inspired by the Norwegian turf huts and old log construction, a wooden construction was built and mounted on a lighted and brushed concrete base. The structure is made of 80-layered circles. Every circle is made out of 28 pieces of naturally impregnated core of pine that are placed with varied spaces to assure chimney effect and natural light. A double curved sliding door was designed for locking the structure.







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