The Cambridge Companion to Bach(ISBN=9780521587808)

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:326
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:1997年06月01日
  • 开 本:16开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9780521587808
作者:John Butt 著出版社:Cambridge University Press出版时间:1997年06月 

  The Cambridge Companion to Bach goes beyond a basic life-and-works study to provide a late twentieth-century perspective on J. S. Bach the man and composer. The book is divided into three parts. Part One is concerned with the historical context, the society, beliefs and the world-view of Bach's age. The second part discusses the music and Bach's compositional style, while Part Three considers Bach's influence and the performance and reception of his music through the succeeding generations. This Companion benefits from the insights and research of some of the most distinguished Bach scholars, and from it the reader will gain a notion of the diversity of current thought on this great composer.
  · Provides comprehensive and indispensable background to thought and composition in Bach's day · Includes theories of how and why Bach's achievement has been influential · Contains new ways of understanding Bach's achievement and analysing and understanding the music

目  录
Part I. The Historical Context: Society Beliefs andWorld-View:
 1. The Bach family Malcolm Boyd
 2. Johann Sebastian Bach in the context of domestic politics inElectoral Saxony Ulrich Siegele
 3. Music and Lutheranism Robin A. Leaver
 4. Bach's metaphysics of music John Butt
 5. 'A mind unconscious that it is calculating'? Bach and therationalist philosophy of Wolff, Leibniz and Spinoza JohnButt
Part II. Profiles of the Music: 6. The early works and the heritageof the seventeenth century Stephen A. Crist
 7. The mature vocal works and their theological and liturgicalcontext Robin A. Leaver
 8. The instrumental music Werner Breig
 9. The keyboard works: Bach as teacher and virtuoso Richard D. P.Jones
 10. Composition as arrangement and adaptation Werner Breig
 11. Bachian invention and its mechanisms Laurence Dreyfus
Part III. Influence and Reception: 12. Bach as teacher and modelStephen Daw
 13. Changing issues of performance practice George B.Stauffer

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