The Stress-free Way to An MBA

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:304
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2010年08月01日
  • 开 本:16开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9781607146735
作者:Katie Malachuk  著出版社:Kaplan出版时间:2010年08月 
This book is far better than it has any right to be. My best advice is that you shouldn't waste the time and money it takes to get an MBA. But if you're going to ignore that advice, please (please!) read this book first."" —Seth Godin Stanford MBA 84 and author, Linchpin

“Having read tens of thousands of applications during my tenure as Director of MBA Admissions and Financial Aid for the Wharton School, I can say that Ms. Malachuks words of wisdom are spot on. Certainly she prescribes a path that is astonishingly simple (be honest with yourself, tell the truth, and take the time to really explore why you are doing this), but in this simplicity of course lies the challenge. Self reflection is no easy task, but this book serves as a refreshingly candid look at how this process can be used to enhance all aspects of one’s life. Required reading for anyone applying to MBA programs or looking to take a next step in their life.” —Thomas Caleel, former Director of MBA Admissions and Financial Aid for the Wharton School, Wharton MBA alumnus

“Katie Malachuk has written a book that rightfully belongs in the spirituality section as much as it does in the Business or College admissions section. She has skillfully integrated wisdom traditions and consciousness based practices such as yoga, meditation, mindfulness, compassion, and self-enquiry to transform the MBA admissions process from one of terror and burden that it is for many applicants to a journey of joy, adventure, and personal growth. There is so much wisdom packed in these pages that I would recommend it to friends as a way to lead a more awake and conscious life even if we are not applying to an MBA program.” —Gopi Kallayil, Wharton MBA, VP Google

“Malachuk's application of eastern philosophy to the MBA admissions process is graceful, playful, and pragmatic. Earn It helps you chart a course to not only business school but also a rewarding and meaningful professional life.” —Chip Conley, Stanford MBA, CEO of Joie de Vivre Hospitality, author of Peak: How Great Companies Get Their Mojo From Maslow
From the company that gets more people in business school than any other and author of the successful You're Accepted, comes a new guide to getting into business school while leaving stress behind and finding your own true self. Katie Malachuk, who has seen the admissions process from every angle, guides applicants on how to highlight their strengths and talents in a natural and appealing way. As one of the country’s most popular and effective grad school admissions consultants, Malachuk addresses the myths and facts about each phase of the process and introduces her user-friendly philosophy to give a new perspective to those facing this daunting challenge. Her approach will take the reader through exercises designed to develop self-knowledge, self-acceptance, and self-confidence. In this results-oriented book, applicants will gain not only admission to business school, but also an understanding that life is bigger than just getting in. The life lessons learned from this invaluable book will transcend the application process and offer readers insight into their own individual gifts, values, and passions that will carry them through business school and beyond.
Earn It is an invaluable tool for getting into business school and an important step in starting

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