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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2014年10月01日
  • 开 本:16开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:平装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:23586404
  • 丛书名:易人外语
作者:(韩)李柳里 著出版社:江苏科学技术出版社出版时间:2014年10月 
  ■ 韩国权威的外语培训机构——巴克达语言教育中心独家解密,带你彻底摸透托福考试题型。
  ■ 无论你有没有托福考试的基础,只需8天,一次性帮你轻松考过托福!
  ■ 全书附赠原版考试听力,更附有考试必备单词小册子,边听边说,轻松就过!
  ■ 完整的考试须知,精华的托福模拟考题,汇集多名托福名师近10年甄选。

  ■ 所有题型*真实、权威,解答超详细。完整计算机机考界面,模拟考试场景,考前不胆怯!






  1994年毕业于加拿大多伦多大学(The University of Toronto),安大略省政府指定翻译。1999年至2007年在巴克达语学院江南及钟路校区任托福LC讲师。现任世宗大学英语讲师。著有《托福听力》《托福词汇》《托福诊所213+听力理解》《考试诊所托福250+听力》《赢得托福听力1》《赢得托福听力2》《赢得托福听力3》。
目  录
Unit 1 Language
Unit 2 Agriculture
Unit 3 Arts
Unit 4 Psychology
Unit 5 History
Unit 6 Biology
Unit 7 Sociology
Unit 8 Geology
Actual Test
Passage 1 Lascaux Cave Paintings
Passage 2 How Language Is Created
Passage 3 IQ vs. EQ
前  言
  Introduction to TOEFL iBT
  TOEFL iBT (internet-based TOEFL) is designed to measure how well non-native speakers of English read, listen, speak, and write in English. The test has four sections: reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Each section of the test is worth 30 points and the highest possible score on the iBT is 120 points (30 points x 4 sections). Most questions are worth 1 point each, but some of the questions in each section are worth more than 2 points.
  For more information, visit the ETS website (www.ets.org).
  Reading Section
  (1) About the passages
  Practice 1
  Warm Up
  1. A baby's first word is usually the one that is the easiest to pronounce. What is most likely to be a baby's first word in an English-speaking country? Choose one from the list.
  mama father banana piano Mother
  Read the Passage
  Language Learning
  How do babies learn to speak? Babies pay attention to the speech they hear around them before they can speak. Young babies respond to the sound of the human voice differently to other sounds. They will stop crying when they hear a person talking, but not if they hear a bell. Very soon, the differences in adults' voices can influence babies' emotions. Long before they can understand language, babies can sense when an adult is playful or angry. By twelve months old, babies can produce single words such as mommy or daddy. Then, they may copy short phrases. They also learn to use the same words or phrases for different purposes. For instance, "Mommy drink" might mean "Mommy is drinking" or "Mommy, I want your drink". At around age three, many toddlers can speak complete sentences. Adults also exaggerate their speech so that babies can pick up a language easily. This is often called "baby talk". Baby talk is different from the way adults speak to each other. For example, when mothers talk to babies, they speak louder and slower. Mothers also use short, simple words or sentences with a highpitched soft tone of voice. Baby talk is more effective than normal speech to get a baby's attention. Studies have shown that babies prefer to listen to baby talk.
  Target TOEFL iBT Questions
  1 The word influence in the passage is closest in meaning to






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