Paradise Lost 失乐园 Barnes & Noble Classics ISBN 9781593083649

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  • 版 次:1
  • 页 数:442
  • 字 数:
  • 印刷时间:2005年08月01日
  • 开 本:16开
  • 纸 张:胶版纸
  • 包 装:精装
  • 是否套装:否
  • 国际标准书号ISBN:9781593083649
作者:John Milton 著出版社: 出版时间:2005年08月 
  Paradise Lost, by John Milton, is part of the Barnes Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordableprices to the student and the general reader, including newscholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of carefully craftedextras. Here are some of the remarkable features of Barnes Noble Classics:
  New introductions commissioned from today's top writers andscholars Biographies of the authors Chronologies of contemporaryhistorical, biographical, and cultural events Footnotes andendnotes Selective discussions of imitations, parodies, poems,books, plays, paintings, operas, statuary, and films inspired bythe work Comments by other famous authors Study questions tochallenge the reader's viewpoints and expectations Bibliographiesfor further reading Indices Glossaries, when appropriateAlleditions are beautifully designed and are printed to superiorspecifications; some include illustrations of historical interest.Barnes Noble Classics pulls together a constellation ofinfluences—biographical, historical, and literary—to enrich eachreader's understanding of these enduring works.
目  录

List of Engravings
The World of John Milton and Paradise Lost
Introduction by David Hawkes
Paradise Lost
Inspired by Paradise Lost
Comments & Questions
For Further Reading

  From David Hawkes’s Introduction to Paradise Lost
  Milton believed that the kind of knowledge that can be attainedby the human mind was necessarily contingent, or limited. It waslimited by cultural and historical context: The ancient Greeks, forexample, had been culturally unable to arrive at monotheism. But itwas also inherently limited by its internal properties. The humanmind is designed, or has developed, in such a way as to live intime and space. To exist outside time and space, the human mindwould have to become something different than what it currently is.The same goes for such ideas as causality or extension; without thecapacity to think according to these categories it would be simplyimpossible to have any kind of recognizably human experience. We donot, therefore, experience the world as it really is, we experiencethe world as it appears to human beings. And we know that thisexperience is contingent upon—limited by—the inherent nature of thehuman mind.
  It follows that the concepts we form of things, the way theyappear to us, do not correspond to the things in themselves. Thereare thus two kinds of truth: the truth “for us,” in what modernphilosophers call the world of “phenomena,” and the truth “initself,” in what is known as the world of “noumena.” In JohnKeats’s “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” for example, the poet laments thathe can never experience the urn in its noumenal state, as it is initself. Keats comes to this realization by considering thedifference between the significance it possesses for him, as amodern Englishman, and the meanings it conveyed to its creator, anancient Greek. The “phenomenal” appearance of the urn has changed,although the urn “in itself” has not. In a sense the noumenal ismore true, because it is more absolute, than the phenomenal, butthe truth “in itself” is by definition beyond the grasp of humanthought. We are stuck with a consciousness that we know to beincomplete. This is philosophical terminology, but Milton expressesthe same ideas in quasi-mythological, religious terms. ParadiseLost hinges upon the fundamental, unbridgeable, qualitativedistinction between the world of earthly phenomena as experiencedby Adam and Eve (and also by the poem’s all-too-human narrator),and the world of spiritual noumena as it is represented to them(and us) through the intricate system of characters, figures, andimages that make up the Western mythological and religioustraditions.

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